thrive in ministry

Developing Resilience for Long Obedience

thrive in ministry

Developing Resilience for Long Obedience

Equipping pastors to lead with hope in the Age of Disestablishment.

The Research Project

Thrive in Ministry is my research project for my Doctor of Ministry degree at Denver Seminary. I have worked for the American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains as a Ministry Coach for over a decade. In this role, I observed many pastors and churches struggle with the tectonic shifts in our world. This project seeks to equip pastors with the tools necessary to develop resilience. Read more . . .

Foundational Material

As a research project, Thrive in Ministry is based on the research of many scholars from a variety of fields: theology, business, education, and psychology to name a few. I have rigorously credited these scholars in my thesis. If you would like to see some of the key texts, read more . . .

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